Wireless body area networks. Introduction to blog.

This blog will treat about the standardization of Wireless Personal Area Network. At first I will try to explain shortly what is this standard about, what technology it will include and to what depth it will describe its operation, and after that we will dwell the way this standardization process is being conducted. To be able to explain at least in some detail the standardization process IEEE follows in this case we will also follow some information about IEEE itself, as well as its regulations and procedures.

As the final part I will try to explain why this standard will have a great impact on the market, but on the way the people communicate with modern electronics and their way of thinking about electronics as well. We have to keep in mind that this technology with corresponding standard is trying to create a new branch of technology, or in this case maybe a more appropriate is to say a net, and it is hard to show it in respect to previous development or standards. That is also why a part of discussion here will be based on the vision of how this standard can be evolved into something very important to everyday user, and not only pure facts comparing a new technology to its predecessors.

This blog will try also to create a reference about IEEE process of standardization, to help other people understand the way such standard has to cover before it will be ready for commercial adaptation.

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